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How to Generate the Proper Report Format Using ANTEQ POS Software


Anteq Mall Manager or

Open the main page and at the top click on "File".

Then go to "Export Data", leave Dealer or Booth ID blank, enter the dates, 
and use "Excel" for file format.

The recommended date range is from the first of the previous month to the 
end of the current month.

Save or Export.  By default the exported file is saved in the root directory aka C:\ 
and is, or should be, named AMM_Booth_Sales.csv.

The three helper files need to be downloaded and saved in the same directory 
as the exported file.

On a daily basis a report needs to be generated and the shortcut for SALES_UPLOAD.BAT 
file needs to be launched.

Note: if you have trouble saving the report file you may need to adjust 
permissions or log in as the admin.


How to install the Mall-Central.com helper files

On your Store Page there is a list of three helper files located in the Store Information 
blue section on the right side. Right-mouse-click on these files and "Save Target As..." 
and place these three files in your root directory aka C:\ .

Create a shortcut for the SALES_UPLOAD.BAT file and place the shortcut on your desktop for 
your convenience.

You can use MCTEST.BAT to test your upload capability.

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